Enjoy our brand new restaurant!

El Cielo

El Cielo

Organic Arabic Fusion dishes made with local ingredients.
The restaurant is overlooking the beautiful tropical garden of the Hotel.

Breakfast · Lunch · Dinner

Get to know our heavenly fusion dishes in a relaxing atmosphere while overlooking our beautiful tropical garden.
We took great care into the creating and selecting of signature local dishes with a twist. Made with fresh ingredients.

Open from Tuesday to Sunday

07:30 – 11:00

12:00 – 16:00

19:00 – 23:30

Get to know our heavenly fusion dishes in a relaxing atmosphere while overlooking our beautiful tropical garden.
We took great care into the creating and selecting of signature local dishes with a twist. Made with fresh ingredients.

Open from Tuesday to Sunday

07:30 – 11:00

12:00 – 16:00

19:00 – 23:30

We serve dishes to share so you can taste as much of our fusion cuisine as possible.
Try our fresh juices and smoothies.


Aligned with local traditions, every Friday is ‘Special couscous day’ at El Cielo. Don’t miss it.

Make a Reservation

For reservations and questions / requests,
please contact us

© El Cielo Chefchaouen | All Rights Reserved